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Rocket Science
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Country : United States of America  

Release date : 19/01/2007

Genre : Comedy     Drama     

Summary : Hal is a 15-year-old high-school student with a minor yet socially alienating (and painful) disability: he stutters uncontrollably. Determined to work through the problem, Hal opts for an extreme route – he joins the school debating team, which sends him on a headfirst plunge into breakneck speech competitions and offers a much-needed boost toward correcting the problem.

Duration : 101 minutes

Rate : 6.2/10 pour 180 votes (Good)

Producer : RocketScience     W B I Films     Duly Noted     HBO Films     

Director : Jeffrey Blitz

Musician : Eef Barzelay

Decorator : Rick Butler

Casting: (Hover over a picture to see the full name)