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The Woods Have Eyes
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Country : United States of America  

Release date : 16/10/2007

Genre : Thriller     Horror     

Summary : When a group of young campers wander into the backwoods of upstate New York to see if Cappy's Cabin--a place they think exists only in urban legend--is real, they find themselves in a twisted game of predator and prey as night begins to fall. All they have to do is survive until dawn, but Cappy is very, very real, and night has only just begun...

Duration : 90 minutes

Rate : 3.8/10 pour 8 votes (Bad)

Producer : The Woods Have Eyes, LLC     Bowery Boys Productions     

Director : Anthony Indelicato

Musician : William Enrico

Musician : Vincent Rongone

Decorator : Jerry Eller

Casting: (Hover over a picture to see the full name)