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Country : Canada  

Release date : 31/01/2016

Genre : Drama     Thriller     TV Movie     

Summary : When National Guard soldier Samantha Harrison returns from the front lines of Iraq, she realizes that none of her training helps her deal with PTSD or the struggles of returning to a normal life. Samantha comes home to find out she's being blamed for a friendly fire incident that killed two Americans and she becomes the target of an obsessed soldier seeking revenge for their deaths. She tries to reassemble her fragmented memories of that horrific night in order to convince everyone, including herself, that she didn't do it. Who do you turn to when you can't trust your own memories and the few people you do trust are being killed off one by one?

Duration : 90 minutes

Rate : 5.4/10 pour 26 votes (Medium)

Producer : Incendo Productions     

Director : Claude Desrosiers

Musician : James Gelfand

Decorator : Jean Bécotte

Casting: (Hover over a picture to see the full name)