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Big Eyes
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Country : Canada  United States of America  

Release date : 24/12/2014

Genre : Drama     

Summary : In the late 1950s and early '60s, artist Walter Keane achieves unbelievable fame and success with portraits of saucer-eyed waifs. However, no one realizes that his wife, Margaret, is the real painter behind the brush. Although Margaret is horrified to learn that Walter is passing off her work as his own, she is too meek to protest too loudly. It isn't until the Keanes' marriage comes to an end and a lawsuit follows that the truth finally comes to light.

Duration : 106 minutes

Rate : 7.0/10 pour 3445 votes (Very good)

Producer : The Weinstein Company     Silverwood Films     Electric City Entertainment     Tim Burton Productions     

Director : Tim Burton

Decorator : Rick Heinrichs

Musician : Danny Elfman

Casting: (Hover over a picture to see the full name)